Waxing FAQ
I've never been waxed before, how do I prepare?
​Hair must be 1/4 an inch in length. This is 2 weeks of NO shaving. Hair should be long enough to lay flat against the skin, not standing upright. Exfoliating before your appointment will remove dead skin and release any hair underneath. Your hair should not grow back for 2-3 weeks after a wax service.
How early should I arrive for my appointment?
If this is your FIRST appointment ( No need to be nervous!!) please arrive 5-10 minutes early to fill out a standard consent form. If you're a repeat customer please arrive on time.
I'm menstruating, should I cancel my appointment?
You don't have to cancel your appointment. If you're comfortable, we are too. You may be sensitive during this time. If you do choose to reschedule, please make sure to follow our 24-hour notice policy.
Please wear a clean tampon, we have supplies in the restroom if needed upon arrival.
Does it hurt?
Yes, it does hurt. Everyone's pain tolerance is different. Different types of hair, thickness, coarseness, etc, can affect ones experience during a wax service. We do our best to keep you comfortable while being quick, efficient and comprehensive. The more consistently you wax, the easier, quicker and less painful they become.
How often do I need to be waxed?
We recommend 4-6 weeks between wax visits.
What kind of wax do you use?
We use charcoal hard wax, it's great for all hair types and sensitive skin.